Using macroscopic entanglement to close the detection loophole in Bell inequality
Using nonlocal coherence to quantify quantum correlation
Using of small-scale quantum computers in cryptography with many-qubit entangled states
Using Parity Kicks for Decoherence Control
Using post-measurement information in state discrimination
Using Quantum Computers for Quantum Simulation
Using Quantum Mechanics to Cope with Liars
Using quantum oblivious transfer to cheat sensitive quantum bit commitment
Using quantum state protection via dissipation in a quantum-dot molecule to solve the Deutsch problem
Using Separable Bell-Diagonal States to Distribute Entanglement
Using simple elastic bands to understand quantum mechanics
Using squeezed field to preserve two-atom entanglement against spontaneous emissions
Using technical noise to increase the signal to noise ratio in weak measurements
Using Temporal Entanglement to Perform Thermodynamical Work
Using the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm to determine parts of an array and apply a specified function to each independent part
Using the J1-J2 Quantum Spin Chain as an Adiabatic Quantum Data Bus
Using the no-signaling condition for constraining the nonidealness of a Stern-Gerlach setup
Using unitary operations to preserve quantum states in the presence of relaxation
Using Wave-Packet Interferometry to Monitor the External Vibrational Control of Electronic Excitation Transfer
Using weak nonlinearity under decoherence for macroscopic-entanglement generation and quantum computation