TelePOVM -- New Faces of Teleportation
TEM10 homodyne detection as an optimal small displacement and tilt measurements scheme
Tema Con Variazioni: Quantum Channel Capacity
Temperature Correction to Casimir-Lifshitz Free Energy at Low Temperatures: Semiconductors
Temperature correction to the Casimir force in cryogenic range and anomalous skin effect
Temperature Correlation of Quantum Spins
Temperature crossover of decoherence rates in chaotic and regular bath dynamics
Temperature Dependence of Electric Field Noise Above Gold Surfaces
Temperature Dependence of the Casimir Effect
Temperature dependence of the Casimir effect between metallic mirrors
Temperature dependence of the Casimir force between real metals: problems and approach to their resolution
Temperature Dependence of the Casimir Force for Metals
Temperature dependence of the magnetic Casimir-Polder interaction
Temperature dependence of the plasmonic Casimir interaction
Temperature Dependent Performances of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors in an Ultralow-Temperature Region
Temperature effects on a network of dissipative quantum harmonic oscillators: collective damping and diffusion processes
Temperature effects on mixed state geometric phase
Temperature effects on quantum cloning of states and entanglement
Temperature inversion symmetry in the Casimir effect with an antiperiodic boundary condition
Temperature of a Decoherent Oscillator with Strong Coupling