Telecom-Band Entanglement Generation for Chipscale Quantum Processing
Telecommunication-wavelength solid-state memory at the single photon level
Telecommunications-band heralded single photons from a silicon nanophotonic chip
Telegraph signals as a solution to the time dependent Schrödinger equation
Teleportation algorithm using two species of entangled pairs
Teleportation and Dense Coding with Genuine Multipartite Entanglement
Teleportation and entanglement distillation in the presence of correlation among bipartite mixed states
Teleportation and Secret Sharing with Pure Entangled States
Teleportation and spin squeezing utilizing multimode entanglement of light with atoms
Teleportation and Superdense coding with Genuine quadripartite entangled states
Teleportation as a Depolarizing Quantum Channel, Relative Entropy and Classical Capacity
Teleportation as a quantum computation
Teleportation between distant qudits via scattering of mobile qubits
Teleportation can only transfer speakable quantum information
Teleportation capability, distillability, and nonlocality on three-qubit states
Teleportation cost and hybrid compression of quantum signals
Teleportation Criteria: Form and Significance
Teleportation fidelities of squeezed states from thermodynamical state space measures
Teleportation fidelity as a probe of sub-Planck phase-space structure
Teleportation for atomic entangled state by entanglement swapping with separate measurements in cavity QED