Tailoring polarization entanglement in anisotropy-compensated SPDC
Tailoring Single and Multiphoton Probabilities of a Single Photon On-Demand Source
Tailoring teleportation to the quantum alphabet
Tailoring the correlation and anti-correlation behavior of path-entangled photons in Glauber-Fock oscillator lattices
Talbot-Lau interferometry with fullerenes: Sensitivity to inertial forces and vibrational dephasing
Tales and Tails and Stuff and Nonsense
Taming Entanglement
Taming multiparticle entanglement
Tangled in entanglements
Tangles of superpositions and the convex-roof extension
Tapered optical fibers as tools for probing magneto-optical trap characteristics
Targeting qubit states using open-loop control
Task-dependent control of open quantum systems
Task-Oriented Maximally Entangled States
Tavis-Cummings model and collective multi-qubit entanglement in trapped ions
Tavis-Cummings model beyond the rotating wave approximation: Quasi-degenerate qubits
Teaching the Environment to Control Quantum Systems
Technique of quantum state transfer for a double Lambda atomic beam
Techniques for the Synthesis of Reversible Toffoli Networks
Telecloning and multiuser quantum channels for continuous variables