Numerical simulation of nonunitary gravity-induced localization
Numerical simulation of Quantum Teleportation in a chain of three nuclear spins system taking into account second neighbor interaction
Numerical Simulation of the Double Slit Interference with Ultracold Atoms
Numerical Simulations of a Possible Hypercomputational Quantum Algorithm
Numerical simulations of a quantum algorithm for Hilbert's tenth problem
Numerical simulations of mixed states quantum computation
Numerical Solution of the Dynamic Programming Equation for the Optimal Control of Quantum Spin Systems
Numerical solutions of the Dicke Hamiltonian
Numerical studies of Casimir interactions
Numerical studies of entangled PPT states in composite quantum systems
Numerical study of induced vortex tunneling
Numerical study of the effect of structure and geometry on van der Waals forces
Numerical study of three-body recombination for systems with many bound states
Numerical Study on Quantum Walks Implemented on the Cascade Rotational Transitions in a Diatomic Molecule
Numerical Test of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation in Chaotic Systems
Numerical test of few-qubit clock protocols
Numerical treatment of interfaces in Quantum Mechanics
NuRule (4) and the 3-Level Atom
NuRules and Objective/Observer Measurement