Natural capacity of a system of two two-level atoms as a quantum information channel
Natural Entanglement in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Natural line shape
Natural majorization of the Quantum Fourier Transformation in phase-estimation algorithms
Natural Metric for Quantum Information Theory
Natural mode entanglement as a resource for quantum communication
Natural multiparticle entanglement in a Fermi gas
Natural Numbers and Quantum States in Fock Space
Natural Philosophy and Quantum Theory
Natural Thermal and Magnetic Entanglement in 1D Heisenberg Model
Natural three-qubit interactions in one-way quantum computing
Natural two-qubit gate for quantum computation using the XY interaction
Nature and Measure of Entanglement in Quantum Phase Transitions
Nature as quantum computer
Nature as the observer: A simplified approach to the measurement problem and related issues
Nature of quantum recurrences in coupled higher dimensional systems
Nature of the Angular Momentum of Light: Rotational Energy and Geometric Phase
Navigating and Ranking Complex Networks Quantum
Navigation between quantum states by quantum mirrors
Near field in quantum electrodynamics: Green functions, Lorentz condition, "nonlocality in the small", frustrated total reflection