Nanoscale magnetometry using a single spin system in diamond
Nanosecond Dynamics of Single-Molecule Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
Nanowire atomchip traps for sub-micron atom-surface distances
Narratability and Cluster Decomposition
Narrow absorptive resonances in a four-level atomic system
Narrow basis angle doubles secret key in the BB84 protocol
Narrow entanglement beats
Narrow resonances with excitation of finite bandwidth field
Narrow Spectral Feature In Resonance Fluorescence With A Single Monochromatic Laser Field
Narrow-Band Biphoton Generation near Atomic Resonance
Narrow-band single-photon emission in the near infrared for quantum key distribution
Narrowband Biphoton Generation due to Long-Lived Coherent Population Oscillations
Narrowband frequency tunable light source of continuous quadrature entanglement
Narrowband polarization-entangled photon pairs distributed over a WDM link for qubit networks
Narrowband tunable filter based on velocity-selective optical pumping in an atomic vapor
Nash equilibria in quantum games with generalized two-parameter strategies
Nash equilibrium in quantum superpositions
Nash Equilibrium in the Quantum Battle of Sexes Game
Natural and artificial atoms for quantum computation
Natural boundaries for the Smoluchowski equation and affiliated diffusion processes