Harmonic entanglement in a degenerate parametric down conversion
Harmonic entanglement with second-order non-linearity
Harmonic inversion helps to beat time-energy uncertainty relations
Harmonic oscillator in a one-dimensional box
Harmonic oscillator in a rotating trap: Complete solution in 3D
Harmonic Oscillator, Coherent States, and Feynman Path Integral
Harmonic Oscillators as Bridges between Theories: Einstein, Dirac, and Feynman
Harmonic states for the free particle
Hartman effect and non-locality in quantum networks
Hartree-Fock Approximation and Entanglement
Has the Born rule been proven?
Hashing protocol for distilling multipartite CSS states
Hastening, delaying, or averting sudden death of quantum entanglement
Hastings' additivity counterexample via Dvoretzky's theorem
Haunted quantum contextuality versus value indefiniteness - a minority report
Hawking effects on the entanglement near the Schwarzschild black hole
Hawking Radiation from an Acoustic Black Hole on an Ion Ring
Hawking radiation from laser filaments?
Hawking radiation from Trojan states in muonic Hydrogen in strong laser field
Hawking radiation in an electro-magnetic wave-guide?