Hyperentangled Bell-state analysis
Hyperentangled mixed phased Dicke states: optical design and detection
Hyperentangled States
Hyperentanglement of two photons in three degrees of freedom
Hyperentanglement witness
Hyperentanglement-assisted Bell-state analysis
Hyperfine and Optical Barium Ion Qubits
Hyperfine characterization and coherence lifetime extension in Pr3+:La2(WO4)3
Hyperfine Coherence in the Presence of Spontaneous Photon Scattering
Hyperfine frequency shift in two-dimensional atomic hydrogen
Hyperfine interaction induced decoherence and deterministic teleportation of electrons in a quantum dot nanostructure
Hyperfine structure and nuclear hyperpolarization observed in the bound exciton luminescence of Bi donors in natural Si
Hyperfine-Induced Decay in Triple Quantum Dots
Hyperfinite-Dimensional Representations of Canonical Commutation Relation
Hyperfinite-operational Approach to the Problem of Time Reversibility of Quantum Mechanics
Hypergeometric States and Their Nonclassical Properties
Hypergraph Ramsey Numbers and Adiabatic Quantum Algorithm
Hypersensitivity and chaos signatures in the quantum baker's maps
Hypersensitivity to perturbation: An information-theoretical characterization of classical and quantum chaos
Hyperspheres and control of spin chains