Hamiltonian Systems on Complex Grassmann Manifold. Holonomy and Schrodinger Equation
Hamiltonian tomography in an access-limited setting without state initialization
Hamiltonian tomography of dissipative systems under limited access: A biomimetic case study
Hamiltonians for Quantum Computing
Hamiltonians with position-dependent mass, deformations and supersymmetry
Hamiltotian Formalism of Game Theory
Handedness of complex PT-symmetric potential barriers
Hard x-ray or gamma ray laser by a dense electron beam
Hardy's argument and successive spin-s measurements
Hardy's criterion of nonlocality for mixed states
Hardy's non-locality and generalized non-local theory
Hardy's Non-locality Paradox and Possibilistic Conditions for Non-locality
Hardy's nonlocality for generalized n-particle GHZ states
Hardy's paradox and violation of a state-independent Bell inequality in time
Hardy's proof of nonlocality in the presence of noise
Hardy's Second Axiom is insufficiently general
Hardy's Setup and Elements of Reality
Hardy-type experiment for the maximally entangled state: Illustrating the problem of subensemble postselection
Hardy-type nonlocality proof for two maximally entangled particles
Harmonic analysis with respect to heat kernel measure