Beables in Algebraic Quantum Mechanics
Beam Splitter Entangler for Light Fields
Beam Splitter for Spin Waves in Quantum Spin Network
Beam splitting and Hong-Ou-Mandel interference for stored light
Beam Wandering in the Atmosphere: The Effect of Partial Coherence
Beam-splitters don't have memory: a comment on "Event-based corpuscular model for quantum optics experiments'' by K.Michielsen et al
Beams of electromagnetic radiation carrying angular momentum: The Riemann-Silberstein vector and the classical-quantum correspondence
Beating quantum limits in interferometers with quantum locking of mirrors
Beating quantum limits in optomechanical sensor by cavity detuning
Beating the channel capacity limit for linear photonic superdense coding
Beating the efficiency of both quantum and classical simulations with semiclassics
Beating the PNS attack in practical quantum cryptography
Beating the spatial standard quantum limits via adiabatic soliton expansion
Beating the Standard Quantum Limit with Four Entangled Photons
Begging the Signalling Question: Quantum Signalling and the Dynamics of Multiparticle Systems
Behavior of a bipartite system in a cavity
Behavior of Quantum Correlations under Local Noise
Behavior of the current in the asymmetric quantum multibaker map
Behaviour of entanglement and Cooper pairs under relativistic boosts
Behaviour of the wave function near the origin in the radial case