Bayesian Approach to Inverse Quantum Statistics: Reconstruction of Potentials in the Feynman Path Integral Representation of Quantum Theory
Bayesian Conditioning, the Reflection Principle, and Quantum Decoherence
Bayesian estimation in homodyne interferometry
Bayesian estimation of one-parameter qubit gates
Bayesian feedback versus Markovian feedback in a two-level atom
Bayesian Generalized Probability Calculus for Density Matrices
Bayesian Inverse Quantum Theory
Bayesian Nash Equilibria and Bell Inequalities
Bayesian prediction of the Gaussian states from n sample
Bayesian Reconstruction of Approximately Periodic Potentials at Finite Temperature
Bayesian Thermostatistical Analyses of Two-Level Complex and Quaternionic Systems
Bayesian updating of a probability distribution encoded on a quantum register
BB84 Quantum Key Distribution System based on Silica-Based Planar Lightwave Circuits
BBGKY Hierarchy Underlying Many Particle Quantum Mechanics
BCS model of Cooper Pair Box
BCS-like Modewise Entanglement of Fermion Gaussian States
BDSW protocol revisited: an efficient method for the key distillation without classical computational complexity
Beable trajectories for revealing quantum control mechanisms
Beable-Guided Quantum Theories: Generalising Quantum Probability Laws
Beables for Quantum Electrodynamics