Barycentric measure of quantum entanglement
Baseband Detection of Bistatic Electron Spin Signals in Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM)
Bases for qudits from a nonstandard approach to SU(2)
Bases for spin systems and qudits from angular momentum theory
Bases in diagrammatic quantum protocols
Basic Concepts for a Quantum Mechanical Theory of Events
Basic concepts in quantum computation
Basic limitations for entanglement catalysis
Basic Logic and Quantum Computing: Logical Judgements by an Insider Observer
Basic Logic and Quantum Entanglement
Basic Properties of Coherent and Generalized Coherent Operators Revisited
Basic Quantum Theory and Measurement from the Viewpoint of Local Quantum Physics
Basics of Quantum Computation
Basics of Quantum Computation (Part 1)
Basics of Quantum Mechanics, Geometrization and some Applications to Quantum Information
Basis States for Relativistic, Dynamically-Entangled Particles
Bateman's dual system revisited: I. Quantization, geometric phase and relation with the ground-state energy of the linear harmonic oscillator
Bath Assisted Cooling of Spins
Bayes' theorem and quantum retrodiction
Bayesian analysis of Bell inequalities