Analysis of the Educative Reform for Secondary School in Mexico and its implications on Science II subject for the new curriculum
Analyzing Force Concept Inventory with Item Response Theory
Analyzing Problem Solving Using Math in Physics: Epistemological Framing via Warrants
Another thought experiment in special relativity
Antimatter-some recent developments
Apollo science
Applications of a constrained mechanics methodology in economics
Applying a resources framework to analysis of the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation
Approche pédagogique sur l'innocuité des technologies de réseaux sans fil
Approximation of the energy levels of the particle on a segment by energy levels of the particle in monomial potential well
Archaeo-Astronomy in Society: Supporting Citizenship in Schools Across Europe
Are Self-explaining and Coached Problem Solving More Effective When Done by Pairs of Students Than Alone?
Are stars older than the Universe?
Are They All Created Equal? A Comparison of Different Concept Inventory Development Methodologies
Are we teaching students to think like scientists?
ASK-IT/A2L: Assessing student knowlede with instructional technology
Aspetti Moderni della Fisica Greca [Modern Aspects of Ancient Greek Physics]
Assessing an inquiry-oriented mechanics unit for high school students
Assessing the Impact of Student Learning Style Preferences
Assessment of a Solar System Walk