Effective Field Theory for Pedestrians
Effectiveness of group interaction on conceptual standardized test performance
Effectiveness of Ninth-Grade Physics in Maine: Conceptual Understanding
Efficient Sound Card Based Experimention At Different Levels Of Natural Science Education
EI Videos
Electroluminescence in photovoltaic cell
Electromagnetic induction and damping - quantitative experiments using PC interface
Electromagnetism Tutorial (Tutorial de Eletromagnetismo)
Elementary Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics
Elementary Quantum Mechanics
Elementary thermodynamics of trapped particles
Elements, topology, and T-shirts
Emerging technologies in physics education
Energy flow lines as light paths: a didactical analysis (Energiestromlinien als Lichtwege: Eine didaktische Analyse)
Enhancing Introductory Student Motivation with a Major-Managed Course Blog: A Pilot Study
Enhancing science education in the elementary schools
Epistemic Complexity and the Journeyman-Expert Transition
Epistemology mediating conceptual knowledge: Constraints on data accessible from interviews
Eratosthenes' teachings with a globe in a school yard
Establishing the rhythm of responding to test questions