Weak Decay of $Λ$ in Nuclei : Quarks vs Mesons
Weak Decay of $Λ$ in Nuclei: Direct Quark Mechanism vs Meson Exchange
Weak Decay of Hypernuclei
Weak decay of hypernuclei - Theoretical status
Weak Decay of Lambda Hypernuclei
Weak Decay of Lambda Hypernuclei
Weak decays of H-like 140Pr58+ and He-like 140Pr57+ ions
Weak decays of medium and heavy Lambda-hypernuclei
Weak Form Factors of the Nucleon
Weak Hypernuclear Decay
Weak interaction rates for Kr and Sr waiting-point nuclei under rp-process conditions
Weak Interaction Rates Of sd-Shell Nuclei In Stellar Environment Calculated in the Proton-Neutron Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
Weak Interactions in Atoms and Nuclei: The Standard Model and Beyond
Weak Magnetism in Two Neutrino Double Beta Decay
Weak non-mesonic decay of Hypernuclei
Weak nonmesonic decay spectra of hypernuclei
Weak Pion and Photon Production off Nucleons in a Chiral Effective Field Theory
Weak Pion Production From Nuclei
Weak proton capture on 3He
Weak reactions on 12C within the Continuum Random Phase Approximation with partial occupancies