Two-Nucleon Spectral Function in Infinite Nuclear Matter
Two-Nucleon Systems from Effective Field Theory
Two-nucleon transfer reactions uphold supersymmetry in atomic nuclei
Two-Particle Correlations from the q-Boson Viewpoint
Two-particle correlations in continuum dipole transitions in Borromean nuclei
Two-Particle Correlations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
Two-particle interferometry for non-central heavy-ion collisions
Two-particle properties in nuclear matter at finite temperatures
Two-Particle Resonant States in a Many-Body Mean Field
Two-particle scattering on the lattice: Phase shifts, spin-orbit coupling, and mixing angles
Two-particle spatial correlations in superfluid nuclei
Two-phonon $γ$-vibrational states in rotating triaxial odd-$A$ nuclei
Two-phonon background for the double giant resonance
Two-photon contributions to the Rosenbluth cross-section in the Skyrme model
Two-photon exchange and elastic electron-proton scattering
Two-photon exchange and elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electron on polarized deuteron
Two-Photon Exchange and Electromagnetic Proton Form Factors
Two-photon exchange at low Q^2
Two-Photon Exchange Contribution to Proton Form Factors in Time-Like region
Two-photon Exchange Corrections to Single Spin Asymmetry of Neutron and $^3$He