Triaxial Shapes in the Interacting Vector Boson Model
Triaxial superdeformation in $^{40}$Ar
Triaxiality and shape coexistence in Germanium isotopes
Triaxiality and the determination of the cubic shape parameter K3 from five observables
Triaxiality in 48Cr
Triaxiality in the interacting boson model
Triaxiality, chirality and gamma-softness
Trigonometrically extended Cornell potential and deconfinement
Trinucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors and the Light-Front Hamiltonian Dynamics
Trinucleon Photo Reactions with $Δ$-Isobar Excitation: Radiative Nucleon-Deuteron Capture and Two-Body Photo Disintegration of the Three-Nucleon Bound State
Trinucleon photonuclear reactions with $Δ$-isobar excitation: Processes below pion-production threshold
Triple charged-particle decays of resonances illustrated by 12C-states
Triple collisions (e+p+Be7) in solar plasma
Triple-Gluon and Triple-Quark Elastic Scatterings and Early Thermalization
Triple-Pomeron Matrix Model for Dispersive Corrections to Nucleon-Nucleus Total Cross Section
Triplet np Final State Interactions at Large Momentum Transfers
Triplet pairing in beta-stable neutron star matter
Triplet Pairing in Neutron Matter
Triton Binding Energy and Minimal Relativity
Triton binding energy calculated from the SU_6 quark-model nucleon-nucleon interaction