Transverse momentum spectra of hadrons in pp, pA and AA collisions
Transverse momentum spectra of hadrons produced in central heavy-ion collisions
Transverse Momentum Spectra of Pions in Particle and Nuclear Collisions and Some Ratio-Behaviours: Towards A Combinational Approach
Transverse momentum versus multiplicity fluctuations in high-energy nuclear collisions
Transverse Photon Spectrum from QGP Fluid
Transverse Radial Expansion and Directed Flow
Transverse radial expansion in nuclear collisions and two particle correlations
Transverse response functions in the $Δ$-resonance region
Transverse Shocks in the Turbulent Gluon Plasma Produced in Ultra-Relativistic A+A
Transverse spectra of hadrons at RHIC
Transverse Velocity Dependence of the Proton-Antiproton Ratio as a Signature of the QCD Critical Endpoint
Transverse-Mass Effective Temperature in Heavy-Ion Collisions from AGS to SPS
Transverse-Mass Spectra in Heavy-Ion Collisions at energies E_{lab} = 2--160 GeV/nucleon
Transverse-momentum fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions from event-by-event viscous hydrodynamics
Transversity studies with a polarized 3He target
Trapping of Projectiles in Fixed Scatterer Calculations
Trapping of strangelets in the geomagnetic field
Travels With Tony-Nucleon Structure Through Our Ages
Treatment of baryonic resonances in the RQMD approach including scalar-vector mean fields
Treatment of competition between complete fusion and quasifission in collisions of heavy nuclei