Nucleon-nucleon scattering in a chiral constituent quark model
Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in a Harmonic Potential
Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in a Three Dimensional Approach
Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in a Three-Dimensional Approach
Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in Effective Field Theory
Nucleon-nucleon scattering observables from solitary boson exchange potential
Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering Observables in Large-$N_c$ QCD
Nucleon-nucleon scattering within a multiple subtractive renormalization approach
Nucleon-nucleon wave function with short-range nodes and high-energy deuteron photodisintegration
Nucleon-nucleus optical potential in the particle-hole approach
Nucleon-nucleus real potential of Woods-Saxon shape between -60 and +60 MeV for the 40<A<208 nuclei
Nucleon-nucleus scattering as a test of shell structure of some light mass exotic nuclei
Nucleonic resonance effects in the $φ$ meson photoproduction
Nucleonic resonance excitations and "missing resonances" in the $ω$ meson photoproduction
Nucleonic resonance excitations with linearly polarized photon in $γp\to ωp$
Nucleons and Isobars at finite density ($ρ$) and temperature (T)
Nucleons and nuclei in the context of low-energy QCD
Nucleons, Nuclear Matter and Quark Matter: A unified NJL approach
Nucleosynhthesis in a Simmering Universe
Nucleosynthesis from Exotic Supernovae