Magnetic Properties of Precession Modes Built on High-K Multi-quasiparticle States in ^{178}W
Magnetic Radius of the Deuteron
Magnetic rotations in 198Pb and 199Pb within covariant density functional theory
Magnetic Screening in Thermal Yang-Mills Theories
Magnetic Tuning of the Relativistic BCS-BEC Crossover
Magnetically Catalyzed Fusion
Magnetism in Cold-Dense QCD
Magnetization of a neutron plasma with Skyrme and Gogny forces in the presence of a strong magnetic field
Magnetization screening from gluonic currents and scaling law violation in the ratio of magnetic form factors for neutron and proton
Magnetoelectric Effect in Strongly Magnetized Color Superconductivity
MAID Analysis Techniques
Mainz "measurement" of the $E2/M1$ ratio in the $N-Δ$ transition
Making Nuclei Out Of The Skyrme Crystal
Manifestation of 12-Quark Bag State of He-4 Nucleus in Elastic dHe-4 Scattering
Manifestation of the cyclo-toroid nuclear moment in anomalous conversion and Lamb shift
Manifestation of three-body forces in f7/2-shell nuclei
Manifestations of high density QCD in the first RHIC data
Manifestly covariant current matrix elements in the Point Form Relativistic Hamiltonian Dynamics
Manifestly-covariant chiral PT calculation of nucleon Compton scattering
Many Body approach to the inclusive $(e,e')$ reaction from the quasielastic to the $Δ$ excitation region