Kinetic Freeze-out and Radial Flow in 11.6 A GeV Au+Au Collisions
Kinetic, time irreversible evolution of the unstable $π^{\pm}$ - meson
Kinetic-theory approach to low-energy collective modes in nuclei
Kinetic-theory description of isoscalar dipole modes
Kinetics vs hydrodynamics: generalization of Landau/Cooper-Frye prescription for freeze-out
KNO scaling of fluctuations in pp and pA, and eccentricities in heavy-ion collisions
Knudsen number, ideal hydrodynamic limit for elliptic flow and QGP viscosity in $\sqrt{s}$=62 and 200 GeV Cu+Cu/Au+Au collisions
Korteweg - de Vries solitons in relativistic hydrodynamics
Kugo-Ojima confinement and QCD Green's functions in covariant gauges
K^+ momentum spectrum from (K^-,K^+) reactions in intranuclear cascade model
K^+ production in baryon-baryon and heavy-ion collisions
K^+ production in p-C-collisions at a beam energy 1.2 GeV
K^+ versus Λflow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
K^- nuclear potentials from in-medium chirally motivated models
K^- ^3He and K^+K^- interactions in the pd -> ^3He K^+K^- reaction
K_{l 3} and π_{e 3} transition form factors
K_{l3} transition form factors