KEWPIE: a dynamical cascade code for decaying exited compound nuclei
Khon-Sham Density Functional Inspired Approach to Nuclear Binding
Kinematic Rotations of N-particle Hyperspherical Basis
Kinematical and nonlocality effects on the nonmesonic weak hypernuclear decay
Kinematical classification of two-pion production on the nucleon
Kinematical relativistic effects in $(\vec{e},e'\vec{N})$ reactions
Kinematical versus dynamical relativistic effects in A(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})B
Kinematics and Quantum Field Theory of the Neutrino Oscillations Observed in the Time-modulated Orbital Electron Capture Decay in an Ion Storage Ring
Kinetic Description of a Finite Temperature Meson Gas
Kinetic description of charmonium production in high-energy nuclear collisions
Kinetic description of particle emission from expanding source
Kinetic energy and spin-orbit splitting in nuclei near neutron drip line
Kinetic energy spectra for fragments and break-up density in multifragmentation
Kinetic energy sum spectra in nonmesonic weak decay of hypernuclei
Kinetic equation consistent with the equation of state of nuclear matter
Kinetic equation for finite systems of fermions with pairing
Kinetic Equation for Gluons in the Background Gauge of QCD
Kinetic equation for strongly interacting dense Fermi systems
Kinetic equilibration from a radiative transport
Kinetic freeze out