Kaon-condensed hypernuclei as highly dense self-bound objects
Kaon-Deuteron Scattering at Low Energies
Kaon-nucleon interaction in the extended chiral SU(3) quark model
Kaon-Nucleon Scattering Amplitudes and Z$^*$-Enhancements from Quark Born Diagrams
Kaon-nucleon scattering lengths from kaonic deuterium experiments revisited
Kaon-nucleon scattering lengths from kaonic deuterium experiments
Kaon-Nucleon scattering lengths from the experiments on kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium
Kaonic hydrogen atom and kaon-proton scattering length
Kaonic modes in hyperonic matter and p-wave kaon condensation
Kaonic Nuclear Systems KbarN and KbarNN as Decaying States
Kaonic nuclei excited by the $(K^-,N)$ reaction
Kaonic nuclei studied based on a new framework of Antisymmetric Molecular Dynamics
Kaonic production of Lambda(1405) off deuteron target in chiral dynamics
Kaons and antikaons in asymmetric nuclear matter
Kaons and antikaons in hot and dense hadronic matter
Kaons in dense matter, kaon production in heavy-ion collisions, and kaon condensation in neutron stars
Kaons production at finite temperature and baryon density in an effective relativistic mean field model
KbarN interaction and Kaons in the nuclear medium
Kelvin-Helmholz instability in high energy heavy ion collisions
Kerman-Klein-Donau-Frauendorf model for odd-odd nuclei: formal theory