Generalizing Phi-measure of event-by-event fluctuations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Generating heavy particles with energy and momentum conservation
Generating new solutions for relativistic transverse flow at the softest point
Generator Coordinate Calculations for the Breathing-Mode Giant Monopole Resonance in Relativistic Mean Field Theory
Generator Coordinate Method Calculations for Ground and First Excited Collective States in $^{4}$He, $^{16}$O and $^{40}$Ca Nuclei
Generator coordinate method calculations of one-nucleon removal reactions on $^{40}$Ca
Generator Coordinate Truncations
Generic Rotation in a Collective SD Nucleon-Pair Subspace
Generic stability of dissipative non-relativistic and relativistic fluids
Generic strong coupling behavior of Cooper pairs in the surface of superfluid nuclei
Genuine collective flow from Lee-Yang zeroes
Geoantineutrino Spectrum, 3He/4He-ratio Distribution in the Earth's Interior and Slow Nuclear Burning on the Boundary of the Liquid and Solid Phases of the Earth's Core
Geometric chaoticity leads to ordered spectra for randomly interacting fermions
Geometric Parameterization of $J/Ψ$ Absorption in Heavy Ion Collisions
Geometric relation between centrality and the impact parameter in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Geometrical analysis of the algebraic cluster model
Geometrical aspects of isoscaling
Geometry of Borromean Halo Nuclei
Geometry of effective Hamiltonians
Geometry of random interactions