Gauging the three-nucleon system
Gaussian expansion approach to Coulomb breakup
Gaussian matrix elements in a cylindrical harmonic oscillator basis
Gaussian Overlap Approxomation for the quadrupole collective states
GCM Analysis of the collective properties of lead isotopes with exact projection on particle numbers
GCM study of hexadecapole correlations in superdeformed $^{194}$Hg
GDH2000 Convenor's Report: Spin Polarizabilities
Geant4 hadronic physics status and validation for large HEP detectors
General analysis of two--photon exchange in elastic electron--$^4He$ scattering and $e^++e^-\to π^++π^-.$
General Charge Balance Functions, A Tool for Studying the Chemical Evolution of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
General classification and analysis of neutron beta-decay experiments
General Formulae of Invariant Functions of the Generalized Reaction γN - γN in the Effective Lagrangians Method
General formulation of transverse hydrodynamics
General introduction to Compton scattering
General Multipole Expansion of Polarization Observables in Deuteron Electrodisintegration
General pairing interactions and pair truncation approximations for fermions in a single-j shell
General Relativistic Mean Field Theory for Rotating Nuclei
General response function for interacting quantum liquids
General study of superscaling in quasielastic $(e,e')$ and $(ν,μ)$ reactions using the relativistic impulse approximation
General Survey of Polarization Observables in Deuteron Electrodisintegration