Gamow-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Method: Representation of quasiparticles with Berggren sets of wave functions
Gamow-Teller GT+ distributions in nuclei with mass A=90-97
Gamow-Teller strength and the spin-isospin coupling constants of the Skyrme energy functional
Gamow-Teller strength distribution in proton-rich nucleus $^{57}$Zn and its implications in astrophysics
Gamow-Teller strength distributions and electron capture rates for 55Co and 56Ni
Gamow-Teller strength distributions at finite temperatures and electron capture in stellar environments
Gamow-Teller strength distributions for double-beta-decaying nuclei within continuum-QRPA
Gamow-Teller strength distributions in 76Ge and 76Se from deformed QRPA
Gamow-Teller strength distributions in Fe and Ni stable isotopes
Gamow-Teller strength distributions in fp-shell nuclei
Gamow-Teller strength distributions in Xe isotopes
Gamow-Teller strength in 54Fe and 56Fe
Gamow-Teller sum rule in relativistic nuclear models
Gamow-Teller transitions and deformation in the proton-neutron random phase approximation
Gamow-Teller transitions from $^{9,11}$Li to $^{9,11}$Be
Gamow-Teller transitions from 24Mg and its impact on the electron capture rates in the O + Ne + Mg cores of stars
Gapless color-flavor locked phase in quark and hybrid stars
Gapless phases of color-superconducting matter
Gaps and Critical Temperature for Color Superconductivity
Garvey-Kelson Relations for Nuclear Charge Radii