Calculation of stellar electron-capture cross sections on nuclei based on microscopic Skyrme functionals
Calculation of strongly-coupled rotational bands in terms of the tilted axis cranking model
Calculation of the $^3$He(in-flight $K^-$,$n$) reaction for searching the deeply-bound $K^-pp$ state
Calculation of the Alpha--Particle Ground State within the Hyperspherical Harmonic Basis
Calculation of the Momentum Dependence of Hadronic Current Correlation Functions at Finite Temperature
Calculation of the number of partitions with constraints on the fragment size
Calculation of the properties of the rotational bands of $^{155,157}$Gd
Calculation of the spectrum of 12Li by using the multistep shell model method in the complex energy plane
Calculation of two-photon exchange effects for $Δ$ production in electron-proton collisions
Calculations for populations of selected isotopes in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions
Calculations of $^{6}$He+p elastic scattering cross sections using folding approach and high-energy approximation for the optical potential
Calculations of $^{8}$He+p Elastic Cross Sections Using Microscopic Optical Potential
Calculations of Branching Ratios for Radiative-Capture, One-Proton, and Two-Neutron Channels in the Fusion Reaction $^{209}$Bi+$^{70}$Zn
Calculations of direct photon emission in Heavy Ion Collisions at \sqrt{s_NN} = 200 GeV
Calculations of K+, K- and phi Production in Near-Threshold Proton-Nucleus Collisions
Calculations of Polarization Observables in Pseudoscalar Meson Photo-production Reactions
Calculations of scattering lengths in four-nucleon system on the basis of cluster reduction method for Yakubovsky equations
Calculations of the Exclusive Processes 2H(e,e'p)n, 3He(e,e'p)2H and 3He(e,e'p)(pn) within a Generalized Glauber Approach
Calculations of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance within the self-consistent RPA and its extensions
Calculations of the K$^{+}$-Nucleus Microscopic Optical Potential and of the Corresponding Differential Elastic Cross Sections