A massive high density effective theory
A Mathematica Notebook for Alpha Decay Using an Exponentially Diffuse Boundary Potential
A Mathematica Program Using Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator Eigenstates to Model Alpha-Particle Tunneling Half Life Variability
A Mathematica script for harmonic oscillator nuclear matrix elements arising in semileptonic electroweak interactions
A maximum likelihood method to correct for missed levels based on the $Δ_3(L)$ statistic
A mean field study of single-particle spectra evolution in Z=14 and N=28 chains
A Mean Field Theory of the Chiral Phase Transition
A meson exchange model for the YN interaction
A meson-exchange model of the associated photoproduction of vector mesons and N*(1440) resonances
A meson-exchange piN model up to energies sqrt(s) < 2.0 GeV
A method for studying initial geometry fluctuations via event plane correlations in heavy ion collisions
A method of eta' decay product selection to study partial chiral symmetry restoration
A method of implementing Hartree-Fock calculations with zero- and finite-range interactions
A Method to Study `Chemical' Fluctuations in Nucleus--Nucleus Collisions
A microscopic calculation of neutrino neutral reaction on 4He
A Microscopic Calculation of Photoabsorption Cross Sections on Protons and Nuclei
A Microscopic Cluster Description of 12C
A microscopic cluster model study of $^3$He+$p$ scatterings
A microscopic description for the alpha decay of nuclei using a realistic effective interaction