Alpha decay chains study for the recently observed superheavy element Z=117 within the Isospin Cluster Model
Alpha decay half-lives of new superheavy elements
alpha decay half-lives of new superheavy nuclei within a generalized liquid drop model
Alpha Decay Hindrance Factors: A Probe of Mean Field Wave Functions
Alpha Decay of Superheavy Nuclei
Alpha Decay Processes under a Diproton, Dineutron and Deuteron Pairing Scheme
Alpha decay rate enhancement in metals: An unlikely scenario
Alpha matter on a lattice
Alpha particle condensation and nuclear rainbow scattering
alpha particle momentum distributions from 12C decaying resonances
Alpha particle production by molecular single-particle effect in reactions of $^{9}$Be just above the Coulomb barrier
Alpha scattering and capture reactions in the A = 7 system at low energies
Alpha-alpha interaction with chiral two pion exchange and 8Be lifetime
alpha-alpha Scattering in Halo Effective Field Theory
Alpha-Alpha scattering, chiral symmetry and 8Be lifetime
Alpha-Cluster Model, Charge Symmetry of Nuclear Force and Single Particle Bound State Potential in Symmetrical Nuclei
alpha-cluster states in intermediate mass nuclei
Alpha-cluster structure and density wave in oblate nuclei
Alpha-decay chains of $^{288}_{173}115$ and $^{287}_{172}115$ in the Relativistic Mean Field theory
alpha-decay chains of Z=114, A=289 and Z=118, A=293 in the relativistic mean-field model