Algebraic model of baryon resonances
Algebraic model of baryon structure
Algebraic Models of Hadron Structure II. Strange Baryons
Algebraic models of hadron structure: I. Nonstrange baryons
Algebraic nonlinear collective motion
Algebraic Solutions of an Extended Pairing Model for Well-Deformed Nuclei
Algebraic Treatment of Collective Excitations in Baryon Spectroscopy
Algebraic treatment of the hyper-Coulomb problem
Algebraic treatment of three-body problems
Algebraic-eikonal approach to medium energy proton scattering from odd-mass nuclei
All coordinates transformations that separate the center of mass kinetic energy, their group structure and geometry
All orders breakup of heavy exotic nuclei in a semiclassical model
All orders proton breakup from exotic nuclei
Allowed Gamow-Teller Excitations from the Ground State of 14N
Alpha cluster condensation in 12C and 16O
Alpha Cluster Structure and Exotic States in a Self-Consistent Model for Light Nuclei
Alpha Clustering and the stellar nucleosynthesis of carbon
Alpha clustering and weak coupling in the A=90 region
Alpha decay chains from element 113
Alpha decay chains from superheavy nuclei