Additivity of effective quadrupole moments and angular momentum alignments in the A~130 nuclei
Additivity of Quadrupole Moments in Superdeformed Bands: Single-Particle Motion at Extreme Conditions
ADHYDRO --- hydrodynamics-like model for highly anisotropic systems
Adiabatic expansion approximation solutions for the three-body problem
Adiabatic Heavy Ion Fusion Potentials for Fusion at Deep Sub-barrier Energies
Adiabatic nucleus-nucleus potential at near-barrier energies from selfconsistent calculations
Adiabatic quantum tunneling in heavy-ion sub-barrier fusion
Adiabatic Selfconsistent Collective Coordinate Method for Large Amplitude Collective Motion in Superconducting Nuclei
Adiabatic versus Faddeev for (d,p) and (p,d) reactions
Adjustment studies in self-consistent relativistic mean-field models
Advances in the field-theoretic understanding of pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions
Aharonov-Bohm effect and nucleon-nucleon phase shifts on the lattice
Airy-like patterns in heavy ion elastic scattering
Algebraic Approach to Baryon Structure
Algebraic Density Functionals
Algebraic mean field theory
Algebraic Model for Quantum Scattering. Reformulation, Analysis and Numerical Strategies
Algebraic Model for scattering in three-s-cluster systems. I. Theoretical Background
Algebraic Model for scattering of three-s-cluster systems. II. Resonances in the three-cluster continuum of 6He and 6Be
Algebraic model of an oblate top