A unitary correlation operator method
A unitary model for meson-nucleon scattering
A variational approach to approximate particle number projection with effective forces
A variational approach to the partition function of an interacting many body system
A variational calculation of particle-antiparticle bound states in the scalar Yukawa model
A Vision for Nuclear Theory: Report to NSAC
A Wilson Renormalization Group Approach to Light-Front Tamm-Dancoff Scalar Field Theory
A$(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})$B responses: from bare nucleons to complex nuclei
A(e,e'p) reactions at GeV energies
A-dependence of hadronization in nuclei
A-dependence of phi-meson production in p+A collisions
a0(980)-f0(980) mixing and isospin violation in the reactions pN -> d a0, pd -> 3He/3H a0 and dd -> 4He a0
A=3 Clustering in Nuclei
Ab initio approach to s-shell hypernuclei 3H_Lambda, 4H_Lambda, 4He_Lambda and 5He_Lambda with a Lambda N-Sigma N interaction
Ab initio calculation of Li7 photodisintegration
Ab initio calculation of the 4He(e,e'd)d reaction
Ab initio calculation of the Hoyle state
Ab initio calculation of the Hoyle state and a new look at clustering in nuclei
Ab Initio Calculations of Medium-Mass Nuclei with Normal-Ordered Chiral NN+3N Interactions
Ab initio computation of the 17F proton-halo state and resonances in A = 17 nuclei