A Test of the Eikonal Approximation in High-Energy (e,e'p) Scattering
A test of X(5) for the gamma degree of freedom
A Theorem on Light-Front Quantum Models
A theoretical approach to the (pion^{-}, gamma gamma) reaction in nuclei
A theoretical description of energy spectra and two-neutron separation energies for neutron-rich zirconium isotopes
A Theoretical Determination of N_{nn}/N_{np} in Hypernuclear Non--Mesonic Weak Decay
A Theoretical Study of $ρ^{0}$-Photoproduction on Nucleons near Threshold
A theoretical view of practical problems in interferometry
A theoretical view on bound antikaon-nuclear states
A thermodynamic approach to the relaxation of viscosity and thermal conductivity
A transport calculation with an embedded (3+1)d hydrodynamic evolution: Elliptic flow as a function of transverse momentum at SPS energies
A transport model for heavy ion collisions at RHIC
A Transport Model for Nuclear Reactions Induced by Radioactive Beams
A transport theory of relativistic nucleon-nucleon collisions with confinement
A Two Potential Formula and its Application to Proton-Proton Scattering
A two-pion exchange three-nucleon force based on a realistic pi-N interaction
A unified approach for nucleon knock-out, coherent and incoherent pion production in neutrino interactions with nuclei
A unified description for nuclear equation of state and fragmentation in heavy ion collisions
A unique decay process: beta delayed emission of a proton and a neutron by the $^{11}$Li halo nucleus
A unique spinodal region in asymmetric nuclear matter