A statistical approach to the theory of the mean field
A statistical model analysis of $K/π$ fluctuations in heavy ion collisions
A statistical model analysis of yields and fluctuations in 200 GeV Au-Au collisions
A statistical theory of the mean field
A Stochastic Mean-Field Approach For Nuclear Dynamics
A stopped Delta-Matter Source in Heavy Ion Collisions at 10 GeV/n
A Study and Comparison of Various Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) Potential Models and Forms (Shapes)
A study of elliptic flows in a quark combination model
A study of Feshbach resonances and the unitary limit in a model of strongly correlated nucleons
A Study of Final State Effects in the electrodisintegration of a polarized Helium-3 target
A study of Lambda hypernuclei within the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Model
A study of local approximation for polarization potentials
A study of neutron-deuteron scattering in configuration space
A study of nuclear effect in $F_3$ structure function in the deep inelastic $ν(\barν)$ reactions in nuclei
A study of nuclei of astrophysical interest in the continuum shell model
A study of nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering in configuration space
A Study of Parton Energy Loss in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC using Transport Theory
A study of randomness, correlations and collectivity in the nuclear shell model
A study of the $p d \to p d η$ reaction
A Study of the $πB \to Y K $ reactions for Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions