A Simple Mode on a Highly Excited Background: Collective Strength and Damping in the Continuum
A simple model for NN correlations in quasielastic lepton-nucleus scattering
A simple model for the microscopic effective pairing interaction
A simple model for the quenching of pairing correlations effects in rigidly deformed rotational bands
A simple model illustrating the impossibility of measuring off-shell effects
A simple plan for the Delta resonance
A simple qualitative description of EMC ratios μ^A for 0.2 <~ x <~ 1.5 and some sample calculations
A Simple Quark Model for γp -> K^+ Λ^0
A simultaneous center-of-mass correction of nucleon density and momentum distributions in nuclei
A six-quark dressed-bag description of np -> d γradiative capture
A Sketch of Two and Three Bodies
A small parameter approach for few-body problems
A Small Parameter Method for Few-Body Problems
A Smoothing Method of Discrete Breakup S-matrix Elements in the Theory of Continuum-Discretized Coupled Channels
A soft mode in a finite Fermi-system: anharmonic effects near the instability point
A soluble statistical model for nuclear fragmentation
A Solvable Model for Many Quark Systems in QCD Hamiltonians
A solvable model which has X(5) as a limiting symmetry and removes some inherent drawbacks
A Spin-Isospin Dependent 3N Scattering Formalism in a 3D Faddeev Scheme
A stabilized pairing functional