A self-confined Fermi-gas model for nuclear collective motion
A self-consistent approach to the Wigner-Seitz treatment of soliton matter
A self-consistent QRPA study of quadrupole collectivity around 32Mg
A self-consistent quantal description of high-K states in the tilted-axis cranking model
A Self-Consistent Solution to the Nuclear Many-Body Problem at Finite Temperature
A self-consistent treatment of damped motion for stable and unstable collective modes
A self-consistent treatment of the dynamics of stable and unstable collective modes
A Semiclassical Approach to Fusion Reactions
A semiclassical description of the Autocorrelations in Nuclear Masses
A Separable Pairing Force for Relativistic Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
A Shell Model Description of the Decay Out of the Super-Deformed Band of 36Ar
A short remark on the velocities of neutrinos
A simple analytical calculation of mean-field potential in heavy nuclei
A simple and efficient numerical scheme to integrate non-local potentials
A simple approach to the angular momentum distribution in the ground states of many-body systems
A simple description of the states $0^+$ and $2^+$ in $^{168}Er$
A Simple Form for the Ground State Rotational Band of even-even Actinide nuclei
A simple functional form for proton-${}^{208}$Pb total reaction cross sections
A simple functional form for proton-nucleus total reaction cross sections
A simple method to compute excitation energies in variational many-body calculations