A remark on the Primakoff effect
A renewed look at eta' in medium
A renormalisation-group approach to two-body scattering with long-range forces
A renormalisation-group treatment of two-body scattering
A renormalized equation for the three-body system with short-range interactions
A resonance interpretation for the nonmonotonic behavior of the phi-photoproduction cross section near threshold
A Resonance Model for pi N -> Y K and pi Delta -> Y K Reactions for Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
A Revisit of SO(6) Dynamical Symmetry in Nuclear Structure
A Role of the Axial Vector Mesons on the Photon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions and Their Relevant Decays
A Rosetta Stone Relating Conventions In Photo-Meson Partial Wave Analyses
A scalar two-level boson model to study the IBM phase diagram in the Casten triangle
A Schematic Model for $ρ$-$a_1$ Mixing at Finite Density and In-Medium Effective Lagrangian
A Schematic Model For Density-Dependent Vector Meson Masses
A schematic model for fragmentation and phase transition in nuclear collisions
A schematic model for QCD at finite temperature
A schematic model for QCD I: Low energy meson states
A schematic model for QCD II: finite temperature regime
A schematic model for QCD. III : Hadronic states
A search of multiparticle correlations in 10.7 A GeV $^{197}Au$ and 200 A GeV $^{32}S$ interactions with emulsion nuclei by the Hurst method
A Second Look at Single Photon Production in S+Au Collisions at 200 A$\cdot$GeV and Implications for Quark Hadron Phase Transition