A relation among the effective nucleon mass, the incompressibility and the effective $σ$-meson mass in nuclear matter
A relation between proton and neutron asymptotic normalization coefficients for light mirror nuclei and its relevance to nuclear astrophysics
A Relativistic Approach to Deep Inelastic Scattering on the Deuteron
A relativistic calculation of the deuteron threshold electrodisintegration at backward angles
A relativistic coupled-channel formalism for electromagnetic form factors of 2-body bound states
A relativistic coupled-channel formalism for the pion form factor
A relativistic description of the A(pi+,K+)_ΛA reaction
A relativistic dissipative hydrodynamic description for systems including particle number changing processes
A relativistic dynamical model for pi-N scattering
A relativistic framework to determine the nuclear transparency from A(p,2p) reactions
A relativistic Glauber approach to polarization transfer in 4He(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})
A relativistic model for the non-mesonic weak decay of the ${_Λ^{12} C}$ hypernucleus
A relativistic parton cascade with radiation
A Relativistic Separable Potential to Describe Pairing in Nuclear Matter
A relativistic study of the nucleon form factors
A Relativistic Symmetry in Nuclei
A Relativistic Symmetry in Nuclei: Its origins and consequences
A Relativistic Thomas-Fermi Description of Collective Modes in Droplets of Nuclear Matter
A relativistic treatment of pion wave functions in the annihilation antiproton-proton -> pi^-pi^+
A relativistic two-nucleon model for $A(p,K^+){_Λ}B$ reaction