A possible explanation for AMS doubly charged anomalous event
A Possible Extension of a Trial State in the TDHF Theory with Canonical Form in the Lipkin Model
A Possible Form of the Orthogonal Set in Six Kinds of Boson Operators --In Relation to the su(2)- and its Relevant Algebras--
A possible Omega-pi molecular state
A possible quark origin of two-pion emission in $e+N$ and $N+N$ collisions
A Possible Solution to the Tritium Endpoint Problem
A practical approach to the problem of the missing imaginary part of the handbag diagram in the confined Bethe-Salpeter framework
A Practical Method for Relativistic 3N-Scattering Calculations with Realistic Potentials
A Precise Determination of the Pion-Nuclear Coupling Parameter from Weak Processes in ^3He
A Precursor of Chiral Symmetry Restoration in the Nuclear Medium
A Primary Study of Heavy Baryons Lambda_Q, Xi_Q, Sigma_Q and Omega_Q
A program for coupled-channels calculations with all order couplings for heavy-ion fusion reactions
A projected correlation function approach to the pi NN coupling constant in QCD sum rules
A proposed reaction channel for the synthesis of the superheavy nucleus Z = 109
A pure S-wave covariant model for the nucleon
A q-deformed NJL model at finite temperature: chiral symmetry restoration and pion properties
A QCD Sum Rule Study of $Θ^+$ in Nuclear Matter
A QMD description of the interaction of ion beams with matter
A quantum kinetic equation for Fermi-systems including three-body correlations
A Quantum-Mechanical Equivalent-Photon Spectrum for Heavy-Ion Physics