A parameter-free optical potential for the heavy-ion elastic scattering proces
A Particle number conserving shell-correction method
A particle-hole model approach for hypernuclei
A particle-number-conserving solution to the generalized pairing problem
A parton recombination approach to heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC
A Parton-Based Description of Forward-Backward Correlation in pp Collisions
A Parton-Hadron Cascade Approach in High-energy Nuclear Collisions
A percolation transition in Yang-Mills matter at finite number of colours
A Perspective on Hadron Physics
A Perturbative Calculation of the Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Deuteron
A phenomenological analysis of antiproton interactions at low energies
A Phenomenological Lagrangian Approach to Two Kaon Photoproduction and Pentaquark Searches
A Poincaré Covariant Current Operator for Deep Inelastic Structure Functions and Deuteron Electromagnetic Properties
A Poincaré Covariant Current Operator for Low and High Energy Phenomena
A Poincaré invariant treatment of the three-nucleon problem
A Poincaré-covariant current operator for interacting systems and deuteron electromagnetic form factors
A polarization relation and the measurement of the longitudinal response in pseudoscalar meson electroproduction off the nucleon
A Possibility to Observe Short-Range NN Properties in the Deuteron Breakup $pd\to ppn$
A Possible Boson Realization of Generalized Lipkin Model for Many-Fermion System
A Possible Boson Realization of the so(4)- and the so(3,1)-Algebra