A nonlinear classical model for the decay widths of Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonances
A Nonlinear Realized Approach of SU(2) Chiral Symmetry Spontaneous Breaking and Properties of Nuclear Matter
A nonperturbative parametrization and scenario for EFT renormalization
A Note on the Eigenvalue Problem in the su(1,1)-Algebra
A note on the time evolution of the fission decay width under the influence of dissipation
A Note on the Toda Criterion for Interacting Dipole-Quadrupole Vibrations
A Note on the Two-Level Pairing Model Obeying the su(2)*su(2)-Algebra
A note on the Woods-Saxon potential
A novel analysis of the effects of short range correlations in inclusive lepton scattering off nuclei
A Novel Approach in Solving the Spinor-Spinor Bethe-Salpeter Equation
A Novel Dynamical Approach To Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
A novel interpretation of the "$Θ^{+}(1540)$ pentaquark" peak
A Novel Nuclear Model for Double Beta Decay
A novel scenario for the production of antihyperons in relativistic heavy ion collisions
A novel treatment of the proton-proton Coulomb force in elastic proton-deuteron Faddeev calculations
A nuclear matter description based on quark structure of the nucleon and pion exchange
A nuclear physicist on the lattice
A number projected model with generalized pairing interaction
A numerical method of solving time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equation with Gogny interaction
A Padé-aided analysis of nonperturbative $NN$ scattering in $^1S_0$ channel