A new Perspective on the Scalar meson Puzzle, from Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking Beyond BCS
A new phenomenological formula for ground state binding energies
A new puzzle for random interaction
A new realistic many-body approach for the description of high-energy scattering processes off complex nuclei
A New Renormalization Group for Hamiltonian Field Theory
A new resonance in K+Lambda electroproduction: the D_{13}(1895) and its electromagnetic form factors
A new scissors mode on the skin of deformed neutron rich nuclei
A new screening function for Coulomb renormalization
A new semiempirical formula for exotic cluster decays of nuclei
A New Slant on Hadron Structure
A new solution for effective interaction
A New Type of Shape Instability of Hot Nuclei and Prompt Nuclear Fragmentation
A new variable in flow analysis
A new way to perform partial wave decompositions of few-nucleon forces
A next-to-next-to-leading order pp -> ppπ^0 transition operator in chiral perturbation theory
A next-to-next-to-leading-order $pp \to ppπ^0$ transition operator in chiral perturbation theory
A non factorized calculation of the process ^3He(e,e'p)^2H at medium energies
A non-perturbative approach to halo breakup
A Non-Perturbative Treatment of the Pion in the Linear Sigma-Model
A nonlinear approach to NN interactions using self-interacting meson fields