A new Fermi smearing approach for scattering of multi-GeV electrons by nuclei
A new form of three-body Faddeev equations in the continuum
A New Fundamental Duality in Nuclei and its Implications for Quantum Mechanics
A New Glauber Theory based on Multiple Scattering Theory
A new insight into the observation of spectroscopic strength reduction in atomic nuclei: implication for the physical meaning of spectroscopic factors
A new inverse quasifission mechanism to produce neutron-rich transfermium nuclei
A new look at nuclear supersymmetry though transfer experiments
A New Look into the Partial Wave Decomposition of Three-Nucleon Forces
A New Mechanism for J/psi Suppression in Nuclear Collisions
A new method of description of three-particle Coulombic systems
A new method of measurement of the velocities of solar neutrinos
A New Microscopic Approach to the Rotational Intensity Relations
A new microscopic nucleon-nucleon interaction derived from relativistic mean field theory
A new molecular dynamics calculation and its application to the spectra of light and strange baryons
A new N* resonance as a hadronic molecular state
A New Nonlinear Liquid Drop Model. Clusters as Solitons on The Nuclear Surface
A New Parameter Set for the Relativistic Mean Field Theory
A New Parameterization for the Lagrangian Density of Relativistic Mean Field Theory
A New Path-Integral Representation of the $T$-Matrix in Potential Scattering
A new perspective on the $Δ_{5/2^{+}}(2000)$ puzzle