A Model of Charmonium Absorption by Light Mesons
A model of short-range correlations in the charge response
A Model Study of Discrete Scale Invariance and Long-Range Interactions
A Model Study of the Strength Distribution for a Collective State Coupled with Chaotic Background System
A model-independent analysis of p + p --> pp(1S0) + gamma
A modified connection between the mass and time in the principle of relativity
A momentum subtraction scheme for two--nucleon effective field theory
A Momentum Transformation Connecting a NN Potential in the Nonrelativistic and the Relativistic Two-Nucleon Schroedinger Equation
A momentum-space Argonne V18 interaction
A Monte Carlo approach to study neutron and fragment emission in heavy-ion reactions
A Monte Carlo generator of nucleon configurations in complex nuclei including Nucleon-Nucleon correlations
A Monte-Carlo Approach to Zero Energy Quantum Scattering
A Multi-Configuration Mixing Approach with Symmetry-Projected Complex Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Determinants
A Multi-Phase Transport model for nuclear collisions at RHIC
A Multi-Phase Transport Model for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
A National Underground Science Laboratory in the U.S
A neutron star model in the nonlinear Relativistic Mean-Field Theory
A new analysis of 14O beta decay: branching ratios and CVC consistency
A New Application of the Gursey and Radicati Mass Formula
A new approach to investigate dineutron correlation and its application to $^{10}$Be