(Anti-) Deuteron Coalescence in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
(e,e'N) and (e,e'NN) experiments at NIKHEF, Mainz and JLab and open problems in one- and two-nucleon emission
(Hybrid) Baryons in the Flux-Tube Model
(Hybrid) Baryons: Quantum Numbers and Adiabatic Potentials
(Hybrid) Baryons: Symmetries and Masses
(j,0)+(0,j) Covariant spinors and causal propagators based on Weinberg formalism
(Non)Thermal Aspects of Charmonium Production and a New Look at J/$ψ$ Suppression
(Oscillating) non-exponential decays of unstable states
(p,π^+-) correlations in central heavy-ion collisions at 1-2 AGeV
(Strange) Meson Interferometry at RHIC
(ΩΩ)_{0^+} dibaryon productions in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energy \sqrt {s_{NN}} =130GeV