$Ξ^-$ emission probabilities at $(K^-,K^+)$ reaction points and the $ΞN$ interaction
$Ξ^{-} d\to nΛΛ$ and the $ΛΛ$ final state interaction
$π$-$η$ mixing and charge symmetry violating NN potential in matter
$π$NN coupling and two-pion photoproduction on the nucleon
$π-N$ from an Extended Effective Field Theory
$πNN$ and $πNΔ$ formfactors determined from a microscopic model for $πN$ scattering
$πNN$ coupling determined beyond the chiral limit
$πNN^*(1440)$ and $σNN^*(1440)$ coupling constants from a microscopic $NN \to NN^*(1440)$ potential
$πN\to ηN$ process in a $χ$QM approach
$πY$ Phenomenology from $\bar KN$ Scattering
$π^+ - π^-$ Asymmetry and the Neutron Skin in Heavy Nuclei
$π^+$ Emission from Hypernuclei and the Weak $ΔI=3/2$ Transitions
$π^+π^-$ Emission from Coherent $ρ^0$ Propagation in Nuclei
$π^0$-Photoproduction on the deuteron via $Δ$-excitation using the Lorentz Integral Transform
$π^0γ$ invariant mass distribution in the low energy $γp \to ωp$ reaction
$πΔΔ$ coupling constant
$πΞ$ Correlations: an Interweaving of Resonance Interaction, Channel Coupling and Coulomb Effects
$ππ$ scattering in the $ρ$-meson channel at finite temperature
$πωρ$ vertex in nuclear matter
$ρ$ - meson spectral function in hot nuclear matter