$J/ψ$ Gluonic Dissociation Revisited : I. Fugacity, Flux And Formation Time Effects
$J/ψ$ Gluonic Dissociation Revisited : II. Hydrodynamic Expansion Effects
$J/Ψ$ mass shift and $J/Ψ$-nuclear bound state
$J/ψ$ normal and anomalous suppressions in a hadron and string cascade model
$J/ψ$ production in Au+Au collisions at RHIC and the nuclear absorption
$J/ψ$ production in Au+Au/Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s}_{NN}$=200 GeV and the threshold model
$J/ψ$ reaction mechanisms and suppression in the nuclear medium
$J/ψ$ suppression and $p_T$ spectra in RHIC and LHC energy collisions
$J/ψ$ suppression and QCD phase diagram
$J/ψ$ suppression in heavy ion collsions and the QCD phase transition
$J/Ψ$ suppression in nuclear collisions at SPS energies
$J/ψ$ suppression in nucleus-nucleus collisions
$J/ψ$ suppression in Pb+Pb collisions and $p_T$ broadening
$J/ψ$ suppression in the threshold model and QGP formation time
$J/ψ$ suppression in the threshold model at RHIC and LHC energy
$J/ψ$-kaon cross section in meson exchange model
$J/Ψ$-nuclear bound states
$J/ψ$-Nucleon Scattering Length and In-medium Mass Shift of $J/ψ$ in QCD Sum Rule Analysis
$J/ψ\rightarrow p\bar{p}φ$ decay in the isobar resonance model
$K/π$, $K/p$ and $p/π$ Ratio Fluctuations within the HSD Transport Approach