A plant's response to microgravity as a wave phenomenon
A Plantar-pressure Based Tongue-placed Tactile Biofeedback System for Balance Improvement
a Portable Pixel Detector Operating as AN Active Nuclear Emulsion and its Application for X-Ray and Neutron Tomography
A Primer on Computational Simulation in Congenital Heart Disease for the Clinician
a Review of Recent Techniques of Tof Detectors
A scalable Computer-Aided Detection system for microcalcification cluster identification in a pan-European distributed database of mammograms
A scalable system for microcalcification cluster automated detection in a distributed mammographic database
A scintillating bar tracking detector for the ASACUSA - "trap group" experiment at the CERN AD
A Scintillating Fiber Dosimeter for Radiology and Brachytherapy with photodiode readout
A simplified model of the source channel of the Leksell Gamma Knife$^(R)$: testing multisource configurations with PENELOPE
A simplified model of the source channel of the Leksell GammaKnife tested with PENELOPE
A simulator for maxillo-facial surgery integrating cephalometry and orthodontia
A stiffness sensor to help in the diagnosis and the surgery of orbital pathologies
A stochastic model for heart rate fluctuations
A Study of Multiple Refractive Scattering of Monoenergetic X-Rays from Ensembles of Monodisperse Spheres
a Subminiature Scintillation Detector for Catheter Operation
A suggestion for B-10 imaging during boron neutron capture therapy
A superstatistical model of metastasis and cancer survival
A system outlook on the vision problem associated with observation of light flickering at the micro-saccades' frequency
A Table-top Blast Driven Shock Tube