Maximally superintegrable Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems on the N-dimensional sphere and hyperbolic spaces
Maximum entropy, fluctuations and priors
Maxwell - Chern - Simons topologically massive gauge fields in the first-order formalism
Maxwell electromagnetic theory from a viewpoint of differential forms
Maxwell Equations in Complex Form of Majorana - Oppenheimer, Solutions with Cylindric Symmetry in Riemann S_{3} and Lobachevsky H_{3} Spaces
Maxwell Equations in Complex Form, Spherical Waves in Spaces of Constant Curvature of Lobachevsky and Riemann
Maxwell equations in Duffin - Kemmer tetrad form, spherical waves in Riemann space S_3
Maxwell equations in matrix form, squaring procedure, separating the variables, and structure of electromagnetic solutions
Maxwell field on the Poincare group
Maxwell's Equations
Maxwell's Equations in a Uniformly Rotating Dielectric Medium and the Wilson-Wilson Experiment
Maxwell-Lorentz Dynamics of Rigid Charges
Mayer and virial series at low temperature
Mayer Transfer Operator Approach to Selberg Zeta Function
Mean Curvature Driven Ricci Flow
Mean eigenvalues for simple, simply connected, compact Lie groups
Mean Field Approach to Quantum Duffing Oscillator
Mean field behaviour of spin systems with orthogonal interaction matrix
Mean Field Dynamics of Boson Stars
Mean field dynamics of fermions and the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation